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My art is a explanation of the world as I perceive it—a kaleidoscope of emotions, experiences, and observations. My work is a reflection of the profound connection between the inner landscape of human emotions and the vast, ever-changing world that surrounds us. Through my art, I seek to capture the intricate tapestry of feelings, thoughts, and experiences that define the human condition.  

I use acrylic on canvas as my medium and each piece I create is a representation in visual form of my felt emotions or qualia on a particular subject matter. The interplay between colour and texture I use are both equally important in allowing me to convey my thoughts and feelings around the topic, creating an emotional resonance within the work and amplifying its psychological impact.

At the heart of my artistic practice is a deep fascination with the human experience. Art has the power to evoke powerful emotions, challenge perspectives, and create human connection. Through my work, I invite viewers to embark on their own personal journeys of introspection and discovery. I hope to foster a sense of connection and empathy, reminding us all of our shared humanity.

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